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Tuesday, October 17, 2017

How to make the best of the digital world around us

If I approach you with a question “Does your child come and ask you to take a look at her/his creations while playing”, you would give me a huge nodding yes. Now if I asked you “Does your child come and ask you to take a look at her/his creations while playing on her/his digital device”, the nods would go down to somewhere between sometimes to never. There simply is no way for me as a parent today to participate in my child’s quests and achievements in her/his digital space, other than looking over her/his shoulder. There is no denying the fact that phones and tablets are here to stay.

So how will you hold your child’s hand in the digital world? Today she/he is alone there.
Check out this amazing lady talk about screen time for kids on TED:

Let us keep the conversation going. Please share your thoughts below.